Dr. Erika Michalski proudly serves as the CEO... Chief Encouragement Officer... of Strategically Authentic. She embraces her roots as a competitive cheerleader and collegiate cheerleading coach to the benefit of everyone she encounters regardless of the project. Erika is known by her clients, colleagues, and audiences as the one who believes even the most ambitious goals are possible as long as there is a nimble plan rooted in authenticity... and she is ready to celebrate successes of every size along the way to achieving them!
Connect with Dr. Erika:
Get ready to dive into an episode that could change your financial life! Joining us is the incredible Kristiana, a financial powerhouse and bestselling...
Nicole Matthiesen is an Ayurvedic health coach and an intuitive healing guide. After (over)working for many years in the corporate world, she found herself...
Marla Green is the owner of Educatrix Advanced Practice Seminars, LLC. Her company conducts biannual Continuing Education (CE) conferences for Nurse Practitioners. CE credits...