How to navigate the dating world in 2023?!

Episode 55 June 27, 2023 00:57:48
How to navigate the dating world in 2023?!
Entrepreneurship by Design w/ Dr. C
How to navigate the dating world in 2023?!

Jun 27 2023 | 00:57:48


Hosted By

Dr. Caroline Iscovitz

Show Notes

DM Woods is a best-selling author, speaker, dating coach, life coach, and business advisor who has the gift of inspiring, advising, and motivating people to greater heights. His gifts are disrupting the dating world by breaking the limiting beliefs, circles of frustration, and the confusion of today's singles and couples. For DM, it's more than just about trandforming lives. He understand that his work with clients, readers, and his community produces a change, not only in themselves but to others as well. His new style of coaching breaks away from the traditional teaching of a male's perspective on love and relationships. His advisement encompasses the full 360-degree view from multiple perspectives to meet the needs of the ever-changing dating environment. Because of his unique viewpoints, he is rapidly becoming a recognized expert by other experts in the field of dating, coaching, and relationships.

He is a graduate of Howard University in Washington, DC, and resides in Atlanta, GA. You can find him on most social platforms as DWoods.Advisor. 

Connect with DM Woods:


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