Celebrating our 190th episode, our 1 year podcast anniversary, and my first solo episode!
Themes throughout these 3 powerful episodes are all about collaboration, resilience, and problem-solving. Also touching on how rejection redirects; timing matters; root cause focus for client success.
We have an immense belief in innovation, resilience, and entrepreneurial drive.
Key takeaways:
Crystal (Episode #1): Collaboration, dedication, and perseverance
Sue (Episode #52): Rejection as "not now", trust-building, and integrity
Irma (Episode #44): Managing expectations, support, androot cause resolution
Join us in our journey of learning and growth, fueled by inspiring stories and entrepreneurial wisdom.
Leslie is not an influencer, she's an impact maker. She is a branding and marketing strategist who supports service based entrepreneurs to get consistent...
Ashley is a leading expert in sustainable weight-loss who helps women heal their metabolism, balance their hormones, and achieve body-composition changes that last a...
Dr. Jasmine Escalera is a certified career coach & founder of Jasmine Escalerra Coaching. She recently created and launched The Professional Quitters, a community...